Message Rooms Use Case Study: Should X-Road Support Asynchronous Messaging?

Message Rooms is a proposed X-Road publish/subscribe concept that decouples message producers and consumers for data exchange in interconnected information systems. In the University of Helsinki (Department of Computer Science) contract research project, the need and feasibility of asynchronous messaging with the Message Rooms concept were analyzed with respect to its potential benefits and implementation realization. The analysis was based on selected use cases.

This research project aimed to recognize, document, and analyze the intended use cases in Estonia, Finland, and Iceland. Initial sources of the use cases included in the study were the X-Road Feature Study (2020), the Estonian KrattAI, and the Finnish AuroraAI. The expected result of the research was to provide to the NIIS members information for informed decision-making regarding the further steps and the potential continuation of the Message Rooms related work. The implementation of the Message Rooms had not been decided yet, but several implementation alternatives were under comparative discussion.


In the prior X-Road Feature Study (2020), synchronous request-response messaging was suggested to be a MUST. However, also asynchronous messaging was a MUST. In general, the publish and subscribe pattern was a MUST since it is the most preferred option for implementing life event-based services.

In the Feature Study, particular business/use cases were not analyzed in detail. “Message Rooms” or “X-Rooms” were not explicitly mentioned. Overall, asynchronous messaging was concluded to mean a paradigm shift in the context of X-Road.

This Use Case research started with getting an overall understanding of the X-Road context and the Message Room problem space. As a result, a (partial) Message Rooms concept map was compiled. It includes such key concepts as Service capabilities, Data exchange capabilities, Asynchronous loosely coupled communication, Asynchronous messaging, Synchronous communication between services, Publish/subscribe messaging model, Event-driven architectures, Service endpoints, Registry-based data exchange, Cross-border data exchange, and Flexible distributed government service architecture. The wide, even partial concept map suggested that the overall decision-making space has many technical and organizational interrelationships, dependencies, and constraints.

Considering the X-Road usage in the participating countries, Estonia was considered to be "fully X-Road". In Finland, the Data Exchange Layer ("äylä") was noted to be mandatory (obligation to use) for public administration organizations ("Palveluväylän käyttövelvoite"). Notably, Finland's and Estonia's data exchange layers were interconnected in 2018. Iceland was not applicable, and the country was excluded from further analysis.

Use Cases Exploration

In the X-Road Feature Study, most interviewees reported seeing the value of asynchronous communication. However, their organisations did not have specific business cases for asynchronous message exchange at that time.

With that heading, the research problem was defined as to justify implementing the Message Rooms by discovering asynchronous data exchange use cases between certain public sector agencies based on the proposed Message Rooms concept. The context was the X- Road users in Estonia and Finland.

As for the research approach, two different angles to the use case discovery was recognized:

  1. Examine some existing service information systems identifying such information exchanges, which could, in principle, have Message Rooms based implementations.

  2. Identify opportunities for Message Rooms based on implementations in some new service information systems designs.

In practice, the first alternative was seen as more appropriate for the time being – given the limited schedule and resources allowed for the contractual research work.

For the data collection, several expert stakeholder interviews were conducted (in September–November 2021). The Estonian interviewees were governmental digitalization experts. In Finland, they represented the Tax Administration, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, and the governmental AuroraAI program.

For initial probing, an architectural design scenario was presented. The scenario was as follows:

  1. Some change occurs in some information systems (service) (e.g., a citizen moves to a new home town).

  2. Interested information systems (information producers/consumers) receive event notifications about the change.

The following points were then interrogated: How typical is this scenario? What particular cases are there now / in the (near) future? What are the Information Provider(s) and the Information Consumers/Users?

Several prospective use cases were examined in Estonia and Finland. The Death Of a Closely Related Person was acknowledged as the most viable case that could, in principle, be implemented based on Message Rooms. It was indicated to be so both in Finland and Estonia.

In that use case, a doctor determines the death and registers it to the Population Information System with an application. Government officials and different organizations then receive the information immediately. With respect to asynchronous messaging, this maps into the following:

  1. The hospital information system will announce the fact (i.e., publish).

  2. Population registry, employment registry (n+1) will listen (i.e., subscribe and receive notifications).

Potential Use Cases & Clues

All in all, we recognized a range of potential use cases and prospective avenues for other cases. These include the other citizen life events similar to the Death Of a Closely Related Person case, such as “Birth of a child”. Such cases may be equal with respect to asynchronous information exchanges.

In Estonia, there are many needs for the state's central event service to communicate with the local government event service. The local government finds out that an event (e.g., a death, birth, etc.) has occurred. Subsequently, they could immediately provide services accordingly based on this event information. The forthcoming Government Virtual Assistant #bürokratt will initially involve three agencies (Police and border control, National library, Consumer protection agency) and at least eight more agencies planned with probably thousands of daily users. It also provides services.

Another Estonian case candidate is related to drugs prescription. In that, a need for new drugs prescription is first notified. A consent to other people to purchase the drugs is then granted, and they are then notified of the consent.

In Finland, one of the services where X-Road is being utilised, is Messages (””) – a service provided for citizens to communicate with authorities. It was opened in 2017, and currently, it has some 750 000 users. Public administration organizations in Finland are obliged to support the service.

In the Messages message exchange system, when a new message is sent from government agencies to the message box of a citizen, a notification is sent to the citizen's email address. However, currently, such notification messages are only sent by the Tax Administration.

Another potential area in Finland is the search service of the Population Information System (VTJ). Currently, the VTJ query interface is synchronous. The consumer organization gets information (e.g., personal data) from the Population Information System in real-time forms on a continuous (not on a one-off) basis and individually (not in large batches).

In Finland, one more prospect is the Tax Administration service interface vero_tipa_server_prod ("Veron tietopalvelurajapinnat"). That subsystem provides query services for tax information. However, currently, the services are intended only for certain organizations.

Furthermore, in the Finnish AuroraAI program, additional needs for asynchronous messaging have been recognized: Events trigger activities in the service network. Such new developments are planned for Q1–Q2/2022.

In addition, there are many ongoing and emerging large-scale governmental information systems development projects in Finland. For example, in the new centralized national digital register and data platform for the built environment ("RYTJ"), the information producers send (push) information from their own systems, and the information users retrieve it. Additional asynchronous notification support could be considered.


Overall Findings and Observations

Based on the research work described above, we have drawn the following overall inferences and propositions:

  • What are their really essential, fundamental questions (problem definition)? Is it more about data/information or services?

  • What level(s) of the technology stack(s) are most critical (problem-solution)? When is it the transport layer?

  • What/where are the most significant needs and most considerable constraints? Do they concern about the messaging technology or more about the information systems, services, and business processes?

Suggestions for Future work

For further (research) work, we suggest the following:

  • How typical are certain data exchange patterns in current and forthcoming systems? Such patterns could be recognized, for example, from different chatbot services. If such typical patterns can be recognized, useful common asynchronous communication design patterns could be developed for reuse.

  • Identify and describe systematically relevant (future) data exchange scenarios. Assess whether message rooms (asynchronous communication) would be appropriate architectural realizations for the scenarios. For example, the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) could be used.

Considering use case discovery and analysis, there are two spheres: current X-Road-based information/service systems and new ones. For the former, would they be willing and able to change to asynchronous communications (Message Rooms) based implementation? For the latter ones, what asynchronous communications (Message Rooms) based solution opportunities would there be in the IS under development / planned?

In more general, considering (governmental) IS analysis and design, the following factors and issues should be assessed and taken into account:

  • In which service/information systems would asynchronous data exchanges be needed and be useful? What are the information and data processing needs?

  • Would asynchronous communications (Message Rooms) based design be the most fitting (even optimal) choice? What is the feasibility (e.g., cost of modifying existing implementations)? What specific constraints are there (e.g., legal limitations such as SSN policies in different X-Road countries)?

The author Petri Kettunen (Docent, University Researcher) joined the University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science in January 2010. Since then he has been working on a wide range of software engineering research topics in different industry-academia collaboration programs and projects.